A girl stared at a blank, white wall for hours. She didn't notice how mundane and bland it was and soon the hours turned to days. Friends and family would enter the room with the aim to snap her out of it. But they would either sigh in frustration and forsake her or look at the absent face and, longing for release from the complications of life, sit by her side and stare at the wall. More experienced people started to come and used different techniques. One placed a variety of pictures in front of her to try to grab her attention. Another painted the wall different colors in elaborate designs in hopes that her eyes would awaken to the beauty. However, nothing could distract her mind from the anomaly that was the white wall.
One morning, a man walked into the room. No one had seen him before and there was something distinctly different. Despite the many other people that were there, he had no other focus except for the girl. He went over to her and touched her on the shoulder. Immediately there was a change in her face and, looking startled, she turned her eyes from the wall to the smiling eyes of the Savior.