Monday, April 18, 2011

Sometimes it's funny...most of the time I want to detach my hand and throw it viciously.

I've heard stories from the North about strange, strange beings who call themselves "regular guys." They're not.  I happen to have the privilege to spend countless hours with one who has the audacity to declare that some girls "don't know what they want" or "are in denial about who they like."  Fortunately these remarks are not directed at me.  Unfortunately they're meant for a close friend so I'm still a happy part of it. 
Why in the frilly heck would anyone keep chasing after someone who has clearly shut you down.  I'm talking "happy-birthday-to-the-ground" style.  And yet he speaks, breathes, and sickeningly yearns for this particular individual.
Let me give you an example.  Some days we look outside our window, and there he is...staring right back at us.  His reasoning for this is that he can't get reception on his cell phone unless he's right in that exact spot.  How convenient. 
How do I cope?  Some days I play the game of "wow, you're never going to get her, shut up."  Other times I play it up and see how much I can get him to flirt with her.  Mean you say? Ha! There's no effective way to getting rid of this kid, so if he's going to be a part of my life I'm going to have fun dang it.  Only two weeks left so lets hope we all survive!